Summer Morning Practice now starts June 14

PG County Public Schools recently announced that students will actually have classes on Monday, June 12 and Tuesday, June 13, rather than ending on June 9th as their calendar had previously stated.

As a result, GMST will now have summer session afternoon practices through Tuesday, June 13th (i.e., on June 12th and 13th) and will start morning practices on Wednesday, June 14 instead. This also means that Developmental Swimmers will start practices on the morning of Wednesday, June 14.

Don’t forget:
Open House and Swimsuit fitting on Tuesday, May 23 at 6pm! Click here for details.
Click here to download Swimsuit Order form

Open House and Swimsuit Fitting

This is a reminder that the GMST Open House and Swimsuit fitting is on Tuesday, May 23 at 6:00pm.

Who should attend?

Anyone who needs a new team swimsuit (order form attached. For those that cannot attend on May 23, you will have to go to SwimPro for your swimmer’s sizing, and you have until close of business on May 25 to order your swimsuit.)
New swimmers who need to be evaluated (please bring a swimsuit and be ready to swim)
Anyone who needs help with online registration

—A message from SwimPro, our swimsuit vendor—
Attached is order form to be emailed to parents before sizing on Tuesday, May 23 @ 6:00. For those that cannot attend on May 23, they have until close of business on May 25 to place their order. It will be included with those orders placed at sizing. Our spring store hours are Mon thru Thurs 10-5, Fri 10-2. Parents should call first because we may be closing early some days to conduct other team sizings. REMINDER TO PARENTS – SWIMMERS MUST BE DRY TO TRY-ON SIZING SUITS! We will also bring an assortment of goggles to sell. It is noted on the form what is left from last year’s suit.

10831 Lanham Severn Road
Glenn Dale, MD 20769
Phone: Linda (301) 464-6923

Click here to download Swimsuit Order form

Greenbelt Swim Team T-Shirt Design Contest!!

We need t-shirt designs and we need them now! Please show this email to your kids as the deadline is the first day of practice so they won’t hear it elsewhere. Yikes!

Time to get your crayons and your pencils! We want your kids’ designs for the 2017 Greenbelt Swim Team t-shirt. Designs need only include a drawing appropriate for the back of our team shirt. Our mascot is a barracuda. Our team’s abbreviation is “GM” for Greenbelt Municipal. A slogan is optional; feel free to reuse a slogan from previous years.

Designs should be submitted on a single sheet of paper. Print the swimmer’s name on the BACK of the sheet. One design may be submitted per swimmer. Please submit the design in the swim team mailbox behind the pool’s front desk. Alternatively, designs may be submitted electronically to Michael Cohen (cohen.michael AT gmail DOT com).

The final deadline is Tuesday May 30th at 6:00 PM. Michael will put together the entries received and display them at practice on June 1st (the day of the parent meeting, don’t miss it!). At this time the kids will have a chance to vote on which design they want! (More details on the voting that week.)